Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy 5th Birthday!

I cannot believe it is New Years Eve already. This year feels as if it has flown past - in fact - the past 5 years feels as if they were just yesterday...

That is because 5 years ago today, my niece, Carly, was born. I was beyond thrilled to be an Aunt. She was precious then and she still is today, but she definitely interacts with you a lot more now than she did 5 years ago! LOL! I remember that a few weeks after Carly was born I took vacation time to spend a week helping my sister and getting to know my new niece. On the last day there I was sitting in Carly's room rocking her while she was sleeping and I sat there crying because I didn't want to leave her. My sister walked in and asked what was wrong and I told her that I wanted to take Carly with me - she could have another baby. Needless to say, *that* didn't go over well. :-)

Now, Carly is 5 years old. She loves everything Princess. Her favorite color is pink. (She also likes purple.) She enjoys playing make-believe. She likes chicken nuggets, spagetti (without any sauce), and chips. She is so much fun and I love her even more today than I did 5 years ago... and I definitely didn't think that would be possible!

Happy Birthday Carly!

And, to everyone else, Happy New Year! I hope you have a great and safe evening tonight.

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