Monday, November 12, 2007

Student of the Month

Last Friday morning 23 WKHS students were honored as November Students of the Month. 7 of these outstanding individuals were “my” students. Adam Bardelang, Kathryn Berkman, Matt Bobson, EB Brennan, Ian Cook, Jenna Cooperider, and Mike Davis were all nominated by staff for their academic achievement, good citizenship and/ or service. This is an honor that students can only receive once during their high school career. Congratulations on your well-deserved recognition! I am proud of you.

(Above is a group shot of all of the honorees who were present for the recognition ceremony. Below are two pictures featuring "my" students.)

Left to Right: Jenna Cooperider, EB Brennan, Kathryn Berkman, Ian Cook, and Mike Davis

Left to Right: Matt Bobson and Adam Bardelang

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