Sunday, November 11, 2007


I’m in a mood today. Not a bad mood – just… reflective.

As some of you know, my grandfather has been sick for the past few months (although he has been doing much better as of late). So, I have decided that getting old is really overrated and I don’t want to get *so* old that I cannot take care of myself.

On the flip side, today I attended the calling hours for one of my friends who passed away last week. Kyle was 30 years old. He had minor surgery a week and a half ago and ended up with an infection that killed him. Kyle was married and had a 9 month old baby girl. As you can imagine – this was heart-wrenching and tragic.

So, I was also reminded today that I really don’t want to die too young either. Not that I think I have any control over it because I know I don’t, but it is definitely a reminder that life isn’t about the number of years, but rather the life you live in the years you are given.

Last weekend my sister told me about a Professor from Carnegie Mellon University who recently presented his “Last Lecture.” (Evidently this is a series that they ask professors to present on whatever they would want to share if it was their final talk before dying.) The difference with Professor Randy Pausch, is that he really is dying. A 47 year old father of three, he has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. Perhaps you have seen/ heard his story – recently he has done several talks on the news and Oprah. You can also view his entire last lecture speech (it is long) or you can link from his website to see some of the other clips that have highlights from his last lecture. I sat and watched the whole thing earlier this week and during the week I often found myself thinking about one of his points... He asked if you are a “Tigger” or an “Eeyore” and it is a good question for any circumstance because our attitude matters.

So, while it is OK for me to be sad that Kyle died – I am thankful that I had the chance to know him and for the memories that I will treasure from the years that he was in my life. I am also thankful that tomorrow is another day – and I will not take it for granted. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.

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