Monday, October 8, 2007

NCAA Clearinghouse

If you are interested in participating in Division I or Division II athletics in college then it is necessary to register with the NCAA Clearinghouse. Registration with the NCAA clearinghouse is usually completed in the spring of a student’s junior year.

As you will learn as you read on the NCAA Clearinghouse website, students must successfully complete 16 core classes in order to be eligible for Division I schools. These include 4 English, 3 Math (Algebra 1 or higher), 2 Sciences, 1 additional course in the area of English, Math or Science, 2 Social Studies, 4 additional years from any area listed above or foreign languages. The core class requirement for Division II schools remains at 14.

Grade point averages are calculated based upon meeting the core course requirements.

It may be useful to know that Communications Technology is NOT an NCAA clearinghouse approved core English class.

The NCAA Clearinghouse requires that students submit an ACT or SAT score directly from the testing company using the code 9999.

A summary for criteria in determining eligibility is available here.

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