Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Delaware Area Career Center

Today during Science classes the Sophomores had a chance to hear a presentation about the Delaware Area Career Center (DACC). Mrs. Riegel (former WKHS teacher who now works at the DACC) and about 10 student ambassadors (including Kathryn Berkman) who are currently attending programs sponsored by the DACC shared their experiences and stories with the students.

It was interesting to hear about all of the different programs that are available for students to explore. There are some unique experiences and opportunities available that can really stand out to colleges. Kathryn’s information about Teacher’s Academy as well as the young man from WKHS who talked about his work through the Zoo School were both very impressive.

Sophomores – if you are interested in participating in the field trip to the DACC, please be sure to bring in the permission slip signed by your parents and give it to Mrs. King in the Counseling and Career Center. She will also give you a teacher permission slip that must be completed before you can attend. The field trip is Thursday, November 8th. All completed permission slips are due back to the Counseling and Career Center no later than Friday, November 2nd.

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