Saturday, October 13, 2007

Memory Lane

Did you see any of the UK vs. LSU football game tonight?!? Wow! Kentucky knocked off the #1 team in the country in triple overtime! Very exciting.

I sat and watched the game hoping that they would win and remembering back to my last year working with the football team. We played Alabama and won in overtime (40-34) – it was the first time UK had won against Alabama in 75 years. To say that it was an exciting win is certainly an understatement. I’d guess that is what tonight’s game probably felt like for everyone on the field.

As soon as UK’s defense stopped LSU from scoring on 4th and goal I said, “there go the goal posts” only to have them show UK officials taking them down moments later so that the fans who were storming the field wouldn’t tear them down. I guess the intelligent side of me can say that was a smart thing – they are really expensive and it can be VERY dangerous, but I will never forget watching the mass chaos as the goal posts came down long ago after the UK/ Alabama game…

One of my absolute favorite memories from my time at UK was working on the sidelines helping one of the athletes who was cramping as we headed into overtime of that game and the fans started screaming out “Blue” from one side of the stadium only to have “White” screamed from the other side. I remember looking up at one of my friends, Mike, and locking eyes with him thinking that this was absolutely incredible! I still get goose-bumps thinking about it. Sorry, my words fail to capture the power of the moment, but trust me – it was amazing.

While the game (and this post) may not be that exciting for you – I really enjoyed the trip down memory lane!

Speaking of overtime wins… Congratulations to our own WKHS wolves and their victory in double overtime last night! Way to go guys!

(And for those of you sick of hearing about me… I promise, tomorrow I will have an educational post for you.) Have a great night!

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