Sunday, October 14, 2007

Career Inventories

What do you want to be when you grow up?

I can’t even begin to count the number of times that I have asked that question only to have a look of panic cross your faces as you stare back at me. Some students know exactly what they want to do with their future, but many more are at a loss.

There are a lot of websites out there that can help you explore different careers and yesterday (while procrastinating on writing recommendation letters) I found one that I hadn’t seen before and I really liked it! It is the career exploration area on the OhioMentor website. There are a lot of really interesting self-inventories that you can complete on this website and it is all free of charge. For example, you can complete a career search, an interest finder, learning style assessments, values finders, and personality quizzes. The responses to your questions will then enable you to explore different careers that *might* fit with your interests and abilities.

Unfortunately, there is not a single test out there that you can take and magically find out that THIS is the single career meant for you. In fact, most people will transition through multiple jobs and possibly even different career fields in their lifetime. So, don’t panic, enjoy the search and try to learn something more about yourself along the way.

Also, since I was the one playing on the website I didn’t explore this option, but it appears that you can also permit me to have access to your results so that we can talk about them. I think all you need is my e-mail address ( I’ll be interested to hear what you think about this site.

It’s a 4 day week at school this week! YEAH! And don’t forget Wednesday morning is the PSAT in the gymnasiums.

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