Sunday, August 26, 2007


The reality that I am getting “old” is setting in…

As high school students you read that and think, “Duh, Miss Abbott of course you are old.” And that’s OK because I remember being in high school and even when I started my first job out of college and thinking that people in their 30’s were *old*.

Today is my “little” sister’s 30th birthday! (Happy Birthday Macy – I love you!) It wasn’t that bad to turn 30 myself, but it is weird that my sister is now 30 too. (By coincidence it is also my grandparents 57th Wedding Anniversary which is pretty awesome.)

And the realization that I am getting old isn’t just because of the number of candles on a birthday cake… At the end of the summer I went back to my college alma mater to visit the campus and see what had changed since I was there and was blown away by all of the new additions. I wondered how it was possible that so much had changed in such a short time until I realized that it was 10 years ago that I was starting my Senior year of college. Wow! That is scary! It feels like yesterday. (Do you know where I went to college? I am curious, so I have put a poll on this page – hopefully it works. It's on the top right of the page so let me know your guess on where I completed my undergraduate degree.)

So, for what it is worth, my recommendation to each of you is to make the most of each moment because you only have it once. Learn as much as you can and balance work and play. OK, enough lecturing from an “old” lady.

Hope you have had a great weekend.

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