Saturday, August 25, 2007

Oh, The Places You'll Go

One of my "projects" for this year is that I will be putting up a display of my students on their college visits. Many of the Juniors and Seniors (and yes, even some of the Sophomores) will be heading out to make visits to different colleges in order to narrow down their search. I would greatly appreciate it if you would take a picture during your campus visit that includes you on the campus. Perhaps it will be a photo of you in front of the building which will house your major, in front of a sign for the college, a pretty place on campus, or some other area that sparks your interest. Then, when you return from your visit, please provide me with a copy of your picture to display. Several Seniors have already provided a picture and I am anxious to get more. I am going to put the display up during September, but will add to it as you bring me your picture. The display will be on the wall just outside of my office - so don't forget to stop by and see it sometime. And, for those of you who have a picture, please stop by and drop it off to me. I really appreciate it!

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