Thursday, August 8, 2024

New Names and Faces

Everything in life changes.  That is just how it works and as we start the school year we are all going to be feeling and seeing many of these changes within our own building.

1. We have lots of new staff members joining WKHS. (Which also means that some of your past teachers may no longer be at Kilbourne.)

As you were looking at your schedules you may have noticed names of your teachers that you didn't recognize and perhaps that is because they are new. Included in the list of new staff are:

  • Ms. Ayesh (Math)
  • Ms. Brienza (Social Studies)
  • Mrs. Carey (English/ Intervention Specialist)
  • Ms. Geygan (Science)
  • Mrs. Kelso (English)
  • Mrs. Leiding (Assistant Principal)
  • Mr. Marks (Science)
  • Mrs. Orlins (Math Academic Assistant)
  • Mr. Price (English)
  • Mr. Ritchey (Science)
  • Mrs. Spencer (School Counselor Intern)
  • Mr. Sunderhaus (Math)

2. We had several staff members get married over the summer so you may see their "old" last name or their "new" last name, but they are still the same great teachers.
  • Ms. Biskner is now Mrs. Ghiloni
  • Miss Karlock is now Mrs. Larson

3. The Room Numbers for the upstairs classrooms have all changed.  It will be ok... there will be maps. But some rooms that you always referenced by number are definitely different.  For example, the tiered study hall room that used to be called 207 is now 201.

4. There is a new upstairs hallway that runs parallel to the hall by the balconies so now that will give you 3 hallways that run across the long width of the building upstairs. Again, it sounds strange, but there will be maps on your first day and once you walk it I'm sure it will quickly make sense.

Construction will continue all year long so there will be lots of adjustments and changes as rooms get finished and others get closed down for remodeling.  Just try to breathe through the stress of it all and know that in the end it will all be worth it.

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