Thursday, May 2, 2024

It's Not a Race

Have you heard the quote about life is a marathon, not a sprint?  I had always heard it and kind of blown it off because, yes, of course it is more of a marathon - it is long and exhausting and there are days that feel better than others.  But a few months ago, I heard something that resonated with me far more and I keep thinking about it so I thought I should share it with you in case it makes sense to you too.

Life is not a race at all!

Life is like white water rafting.  Sometimes there are calm, smooth peaceful water.  Other times the rapids are tossing you all over the place.  And that description definitely made sense to me.  But the point is bigger than that.  When you go white water rafting, and in life, you are with people that matter to you.  You are spending time with people you love and you're (hopefully) enjoying your surroundings.  Usually when you go white water rafting you have a good sense about where you're going to end up, but it's not all about getting to that desitnation.  It is about the experiences you are making and sharing along the way.

Powerful way to think about life, isn't it?  If you think about it in terms of high school, you know that you are going to come to school for 180 days each school year for 4 years.  You know that you're going to have work to do, stuff to learn, tests to take, and projects to complete.  You know that some days will be smooth, easy sailing and others will be filled with rough water that can feel scary and overwhelming.  But what makes high school (and also life) more meaningful and what you will ultimately remember most in the future are the friendships you make, the people who help you on a bad day, the teachers who support, guide and challenge you, and the journey that you are all on together.

So no, life is not a race.  You are on a white water rafting journey.  Try to enjoy the ride (and don't forget to put on your life jacket as self care is key and always remember that no matter what, just keep paddling through!)

Also, tomorrow is Arts in Action day!  I hope you will come outside to the bridge area to drum with us!  It is always so much fun!

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