Monday, May 20, 2024

Honors, AP and IB Summer Work

Students who have signed up for some of the Honors, AP, and IB classes for next year will have work to complete this summer.  These teachers have been working hard to prepare meaningful learning opportunities to help you get a jump start during the summer months.  Please pay attention to your school email because teachers are likely emailing you information about the summer assignments.  

Some of those assignments will also require you to check out a textbook for the summer so be sure to do that before you leave school Wednesday.  The teachers are working to make sure that they are conveying information about how you will complete and submit your work, when those assignments are due, information about how to access any Google/ Schoology classrooms if they are using those for the summer, what to do if you have questions or need support, etc.  We are also in the process of posting copies of the summer assignments that teachers have shared with us on the Counselor website so you can have easy access to them on the website as well in the days to come.

It is also important that all students are aware that there is a drop deadline of July 15th for all AP and IB courses.  Prior to July 15th, students can drop the classes without penalty.  After July 15th, the summer assignments are still required and the grades for the summer work will be transferred into the new class you will be joining in place of your AP/ IB course.  So, it is important not only that you know what you will need to do for next year, but it is also equally important that you start working on the assignments - at least enough to make sure you feel confident that you are going to enjoy the course - so that you will know by July 15th if you feel like you are going to need to request to change out of that class.

If you are not sure if your class will have summer work, you can always reach out directly to the teachers of that subject (or even your current teachers in that subject) to find out.

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