Monday, March 18, 2024

How do you want to feel?

One of my friends and I were talking over the weekend about doing what you need to do now so that you feel how you want to feel later.  It is a concept that I think will resonate with many of you as well.

What does "do what you want to do now so you feel how you want to feel later" really mean?  Well, it is taking time to actually look at your actions and making intentional choices about what you are doing so that it will lead you to places that you feel good about later.

This shows up in all different aspects of your life.

In school, doing what you need to do now may mean buckling down and writing a paper that you have been procrastinating on so that you don't have to worry about it over spring break.  Or studying and working really hard in your classes throughout 4th quarter so that you can relax and enjoy summer vacation without the burden of summer school.

In our relationships with others, doing what you need to do now may mean taking the time to slow down and cherish the moments with your grandparents or a beloved elderly neighbor before they are gone and you can't spend the time with them any more.  It can also mean speaking words of hope and encouragement to your friends and the significant people in your life so that you will feel good about the quality of your interactions together.

In sports or music or art, doing what you need to do now may mean training and running the extra drill or practicing the difficult part more so that you will have the joy of accomplishment later.

The concept of doing what you need to do now so that you will feel how you want to feel later is so simple in theory, but it isn't always easy to put it into practice.  We are all human and we won't be perfect, but whenever possible, try to actively look at your choices and think about if they are helping you to feel how you will want to feel later.  It is a practice that will make a difference in the quality of your choices and therefore the quality of your life.

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