Wednesday, February 28, 2024

ASVAB Opportunity

The ASVAB is a career assessment tool that is used by the military to help determine what careers a student would be eligible to pursue in the future.  But it is also a resource with lots of general career based information for ALL students - even those with no interest in joining the military.

We had provided the ASVAB to interested WKHS students last month and last week the students who participated received the summary of their results and the career access information.  The career information that is not specific to the military was actually much more expansive than I had anticipated.

There have been a group of students who had missed the chance to take the ASVAB in January and so we are working to provide a second opportunity to take the test for students who might be interested.  The test date is to be determined based on how many students indicate that they want to take the test.  So, if you are interested in taking the ASVAB in March, please stop by and let me know so that I can add your name to the list.

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