Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Semester Exam Schedule

I wanted to give all students and parents a summary of the semester exam schedule with some additional frequently asked questions...

Day One - Monday, December 18th:
8:40 - 10:35: 1st period exam
10:45 - 12:40: 4th period exam
12:40 - 1:20: Lunch
1:25 - 3:20: 7th period exam

Day Two - Tuesday, December 19th:
8:40 - 10:35: 2nd period exam
10:45 - 12:40: 5th period exam
12:40 - 1:20: Lunch
1:25 - 3:20: 8th period exam

Day Three - Wednesday, December 20th:
8:40 - 10:35: 3rd period exam
10:45 - 12:40: 6th period exam
12:40 - 120: NO Lunch Provided! (bag lunches will be available for pick up between 3rd and 6th period exams)
1:25 - 3:20: Make-Up Exams

A couple of questions that tend to come up at exam time...

Yes, you are REQUIRED and EXPECTED to be in all of your classes during an exam. (Even if you don't have an actual exam, the teachers are going to be working with you on projects, papers, or other learning related to their course.)

No, you do NOT need to be in school during your scheduled lunch period or during your Options or Prep periods. (Which means, for example, that if you have 3rd period prep and 6th period lunch that you do not have to come to school at all on the 20th.)

Yes, there will be two bus runs on Wednesday - so you can leave after your 6th period exam, but if you need to stay for a make-up exam period then there will be another bus run to take you home then too.

Hope that helps clarify and I hope your studying efforts are going well.

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