Sunday, December 10, 2023

2nd Semester Schedule Changes

I wanted to point out that it is almost the end of the 1st semester/ start of the 2nd semester which means that you will be switching any semester long classes once we reach the new year.  The reason this is important is that while you have had your schedules since August, you might not have been thinking much about your 2nd semester classes and if you are wanting to make any changes to them for next semester... but now is the time to make those adjustments if needed.

When would it be appropriate to make a 2nd semester class change?

1. If you are in a year long elective and are not enjoying it and/ or not doing well in it.  For example, if you are in Spanish 2 and failing the class, I'd suggest you consider making a change to a different elective for the 2nd semester rather than remaining in a class and potentially failing for the year since that class is such a building block course.

2. If you are in an advanced course (like Honors or AP) of something and you are not doing well in the class, the semester is a good time to change levels and move to a regular course.  For example, if you are in Honors Biology and earning a D or an F, it might be appropriate to change to Regular Biology for the 2nd semester where you could hopefully earn a higher grade for the 2nd semester.

3. If you don't have an academic prep or options period in your day and know that you will need it to be successful in your classes.  If you aren't likely to get work done at home, be smart and give yourself time in the school day to be able to focus on work completion.  It is also particularly helpful to have a time in the day if you tend to miss a few days of school in a typical quarter because it gives you time to work with teachers and academic assistants to get caught up on your coursework.

4. Your interests have changed in your elective choices and you would like to take something different.  If you have realized that you're really interested in business for the future, it might be smart to try to change your schedule and drop something in order to add another business class to your day.

5. You failed a semester class required for graduation and need to add it back into your schedule.  For example, if you failed Government in the first semester, you can avoid having to take summer school by adding Government back into your schedule for the 2nd semester and dropping some other elective class.

When should you NOT make 2nd semester class changes?

1. Seniors in particular need to be wary of making course changes - especially if you are switching classes that will make your schedule appear easier and less rigorous to colleges.  In fact, if you are making a schedule change, I would STRONGLY recommend that you contact the college admissions offices where you applied and let them know you are looking to make a schedule change, what that will be, and verify that it will not negatively impact your admissions decision.

2. If you are doing well in your classes, you don't want to just cut back because you want an easier path.  So, with the example above about changing levels from an Honors or AP class to a regular class if you're not doing well in the course... if you are doing well in the class then you should stay in that rigorous class even if you don't love it.

Other reminders:

Schedule changes can only be made within the confines of the master schedule.  There are a lot of classes that are full and we cannot overload them.  We also do not make any teacher changes so I won't be able to adjust your classes in order to facilitate a switch in teachers.

If you want to make any changes to your schedule for next semester, please come and see me this week or next week during exams rather than waiting until January!  We want to make sure we have you set up to be successful in the new year now, so please don't procrastinate on making these adjustments.

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