Sunday, November 26, 2023

Sprint to the Finish

I hope you and your family had a nice, relaxing and enjoyable Thanksgiving break.  I am looking forward to seeing you all and hearing about your time off. 

Additionally, as we return to school tomorrow, the push will be on in classes as you finish up the the semester.  You have just 15 days of classes left before exams.

If your grades are not where they should be (or where you want them to be), please make use of the resources available to you including both the Academic Assistants in Room 209 and, most importantly, your teachers.  Remember too that I am here to help you with study strategies and tips as needed.

For many students, your final grade for the semester will come down to how you finish out this quarter and how you perform on your semester exams.  This means that it is essential for you to make the most of the remaining time in your classes and start reviewing for exams now.

The 18 days of school between now and winter break are going to fly past so take a deep breath and remember, you can do this!

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