Tuesday, October 24, 2023

OSU Branch Campus

Have you considered attending an OSU branch campus in the future?  It is a great opportunity for students to have the benefits of being an OSU student right after high school with a better price tag and smaller class sizes.  One challenge of the branch campuses is that housing is limited so most students will commute to the branch or live in apartments in the surrouding area.  

As I mentioned, by attending a branch of OSU you are already a Buckeye.  If you want to transition to main campus after a year of full time classes, you can do that with grades of a C or better - no application needed.  (It is simply a form to change which campus you will be taking your classes.)

If you know that you are not going to be a strong enough candidate for direct admission onto the Columbus Campus, applying directly to the branch can be a beneficial option for many reasons.

1. You don't have to write the essay.

2. OSU has their own direct branch admissions application on their website.

3. There are scholarships set aside specificially for students who apply directly to the branch campus and attend there.

4. If you apply before December 15th, the application fee is waived.

The two closest branch campuses to WKHS are OSU Newark and OSU Marion.  If you haven't already investigated them as options for your future, now is a great time to look into the opportunities on both of those campus locations.

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