Sunday, October 1, 2023

October Countdown

It's hard to fathom how it is already October, but here we are and that means that, for seniors, you are 1 month (or less) away from early action/ early decision deadlines at many colleges!  That means your countdown to perfecting your application is on and I know that tends to create stress.

Unfortunately, for some students, the stress of application deadlines looming leads to shut-down instead of action and so I want to be sure that I am helping to support you in the best ways possible.  Seniors, if you haven't already, please be sure to complete the short check-in form that I sent to you via email last week.  If you are needing help, don't hesitate to stop and see me!

If you are applying to a college that requires a teacher or counselor letter of recommendation, it is important to realize that today is your 30 day mark... which means you MUST ask me or your teachers right away to give us enough time to get your letter completed and submitted on time.  Don't forget, there are forms in the counseling center and on the Counselor Website that you will use when requesting for a rec letter.

As you are working on your application, don't forget that we have the College Application Completion Workshop coming up on Wednesday evening, October 4th, from 5-6:30 in the counseling center as a way that you can continue working on your applications with extra support from the WKHS counselors.

You can do this - and it will be such a relief to have your applications DONE and SUBMITTED so try to allow that to motivate you to keep working steadily on your applications over this coming month.

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