Sunday, October 15, 2023

Long Weekend Ahead

We have a long weekend coming up next weekend as all students have Friday off from school.  And then a few weeks later, you also have Tuesday, November 7th off of school for election day.  Why am I pointing that out today?  Because those are two GREAT days to consider making visits to colleges for students in every grade!

Colleges will be in session on both of those days that we are off meaning you don't have to worry about missing out on school content AND you get to visit the colleges while students are on campus.  This is a win-win opportunity for students and families because making college visits while classes are in session gives you a more accurate feel for campus life, learning experiences, and how you could possibly picture yourself (or not) at that college in the future.

Even if you are thinking that you want to go to colleges that are far away and can't make a trip on such short notice to visit them with these two days off, I'd suggest you spend some time at local area colleges.  In central Ohio we are lucky that there are so many schools within a very short drive that you can visit.  Why would you visit a college that you're not particularly interested in attending?  Because it will help you to gain insight and awareness into what opportunities are available to you on campuses, it will make you a smarter consumer when you go to visit your top choice colleges, and you just might be surprised and you could even fall in love with a school you didn't think would be a fit for you.

If you want to make a college visit this Friday or on November 7th, I strongly encourage that students talk to your parents about what your plan would be and then contact the colleges to set up the visit including the admissions office information session and the campus tour.

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