Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Crazy Few Weeks

I missed having the chance to talk with students today while administering the PSAT and yet this is definitely just the start of my crazy few weeks ahead. I thought it might be helpful if I give you all a heads up on my schedule so you would know of my limited availability.

I am around tomorrow to meet, but on Thursday I will be at a middle school helping complete suicide screenings to promote mental health within our district.

I am back on Friday and Monday, but then am gone again next week on both Tuesday and Wednesday for a conference.  I return for Thursday before we are all out of school on Friday.

After that it will leave us with just 7 school days until November 1st and many of the seniors first college application deadlines.  So, needless to say, there is going to be a LOT packed into each day that I am in the building.  I appreciate your patience if you are trying to see me and it is a day when I'm not around.  I promise I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Also, I just want to give a huge shout-out to all of the students who completed the PSAT today.  Testing digitally was definitely a learning experience, but I am proud of you for how focused you were in the testing room.

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