Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Be Like a Goldfish

Happy Halloween!

Did you like the staff's attempt to celebrate by being a part of the "Ted Lasso" Team?

I know that some of you have watched the show and others have not.  There are a lot of meaningful themes and messages throughout the show.  One of my favorites is "Be like a goldfish."  The message behind this recommendation is that the goldfish has a short memory and so it doesn't dwell on past mistakes or things that have already happened.  Instead, the goldfish remains in the present moment.  Ultimately, the reminder is that the ability to let the past go and remain in this moment is a key towards happiness.  If you want to check out the clip from the show about being a goldfish you can see it here.

There are lots of other messages that are particularly poignant.  If you saw Lexi today, she was wearing a Ted Lasso shirt with the message "Believe" and I love that message too... because if you do believe in yourself and you believe in each other than nothing can stop you.  If you want to check out that clip from the show you can see it here.

I hope you will always focus on the moment and believe in yourself!

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