Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Thanks for Being #ThereForMe

I love our annual tradition at WKHS to promote positive culture/ climate and mental health all tied in to Suicide Prevention week and honoring the power of connection.  This year we used the theme #thereforme to invite WKHS students and staff members to thank someone who has been there for them to support them through good days and bad, to encourage them when they are struggling, or to help listen and care.  

For my picture, I couldn't limit it to just 1 person or even a group of people... so I made as many signs as I thought I could hold.  (I couldn't.)  So who am I thankful for being #thereforme

- My dogs, Lexi and Mia.  They bring me joy and continually remind me of the importance of unconditional love.

- My parents.  My mom and stepdad spoil me endlessly.  They help with yard care, dog care, and provide a daily sounding board for talking through whatever challenges I might be facing.

- My amazing coworkers.  I am so lucky to be at Worthington Kilbourne High School.  My colleagues are my friends and encouragers.  They believe in me and push me to be better every day.  They also help make school better for me and for our students.  Between my counselor colleagues, the counseling center support staff, the teachers, nurse, and administrators, I can't imagine a better team to be able to work with each day.

- My niece and nephews, Carly, Colton, and Brady.  They bring light into my world and being an aunt is one of my favorite things.  Nothing means more to me then when they call to just say hi and let me know they are thinking of me.

- And last (pictured) but definitely not least, my students & their families (past and present) who have blessed my life.  I love the relationships and connections I am able to make with students and families as a result of this job.  I love being able to work with you, to see you achieve your goals, to overcome obstacles and to explore the possibilities ahead of you after high school.  You allowing me to be part of your high school journey and the students and families who remain in touch in the years to come, helps to give my life purpose and meaning and I remain forever grateful.

There is no doubt that there are so many more people I could (and should) thank for being #thereforme like my sister, my friends, my former colleagues and volunteers, my past teachers, my mentors, and the list could go on endlessly, but isn't that part of the point?  There are truly so many people that we should acknowledge and thank.  While we can't necessarilly thank them all in one day, we can strive to thank them all at some point.

So maybe you participated in the activity in the Commons at school today.  Or maybe you didn't.  But I do hope that you will pause and thank at least 1 person in your life who has been #thereforyou because it does make a difference!

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