Sunday, September 24, 2023

Returning to School

How are you feeling about returning to school tomorrow? 

I suspect there are lots of mixed emotions and I want to remind you that I am here to listen to all of those thoughts and feelings.  It is normal to feel anxious.  Being nervous, worried, and unsettled is a normal reaction to the abnormal situation we are dealing with right now.  It is normal to feel angry.  Our school has been threatened.  Our friends, classmates and teammates are being targeted because of the color of their skin.  There is a feeling of safety that has been shattered and a sense of innocence that this couldn’t and wouldn’t ever happen here that has been lost.  These are HARD emotions and DIFFICULT thoughts to wrestle with.

I don’t know why WKHS has been the target of these threats, but there are things that I DO KNOW.  I know that hate and discrimination are not welcome in our school.  I know that Kilbourne is a great school with incredible students.  I know that focusing on safety is important – not just at times when a threat is shared, but every day.  And I know how we will get through this… TOGETHER!

I, along with the rest of the School Counselors and Mental Health Specialists, will be available to listen and talk with anyone who is struggling to try to make sense of the threats and keeping Kilbourne safe.  Please remember to bring your school ID’s with you to school tomorrow (or download the digital version).  If you haven’t picked up the actual, physical ID card, stop by the counseling center to see one of the secretaries to get your ID card.  Please remember that using your own coping strategies for stress management is essential and that support is available for you!

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