Sunday, September 10, 2023

Parent Lunch & Learn Series

Parents, the WKHS Counselors will be kicking off our monthly Lunch & Learn series this Friday over zoom and we hope you will join us!  

For each Lunch & Learn session we will share information about a specific topic for 15-20 minutes and allow 10-15 minutes to address any questions you have about the topic so that in just 30 short minutes of your time, parents/ guardians will walk away more aware about that topic and hope it impacts their kids.

Each lunch and learn session will run from 12-12:30pm over zoom so that parents can grab their lunch to eat while tuning in to learn about the topic of the month.  We will post the zoom link on the Counselor website the day of the workshop and it will also be emailed to all WKHS parents.

This Friday's topic is Student Study Skills.  This will be a great session for parents wanting to learn more about how to help support your son/ daughter with developing and improving their study skills.  

I hope to see you online Friday, September 15th at noon for this year's series kick-off.

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