Thursday, September 14, 2023

Half-way Point

You've now been in school for a full month and are halfway through the first quarter.  This would be a good point to pause and really look at your grades and make sure that your year is on track to meet your goals.  If you are struggling and need help, please reach out to your teachers, the Academic Assistants, or let me know and I can help connect you to the resources to get things turned around before it is too late.

We are also in the final weeks where you are allowed to drop a 1st semester course without having it appear on your transcript or to submit a request to have a 1st semester class graded on a pass/ fail scale instead of the standard scoring. (Not all classes are allowed to be taken as pass/ fail grading - you can check the course planning handbook, ask your teacher, or see me to get clarification on if that is a choice.  As a general guidline, your main core classes are not options for pass/ fail grading.)

Students always have the first 6 weeks of school to make those changes so the deadline for this year is coming up on Thursday, September 29th

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