Thursday, September 21, 2023

Bonus Day

Did you enjoy having a bonus day off today? Obviously, we all wish the circumstances that required school to be called off would have been different but I suspect many of you still enjoyed having the day off. 

Last week one of the questions of the day that I asked students who came to see me was “what would you do if you were given 1 extra hour in the day?”  I had heard students say they’d want to do lots of different things like sleeping, hang out with friends, scrolling TikTok, reading, exercising, and more.You ended up being given a whole day so I can’t wait to hear what you did to spend your day off.  I hope you did make use of the time today to do something that you enjoy!

On a more serious note, today is an important reminder of how critical safety is in our building and our community. We want to be a school that supports one another in good times and bad. We want to be a place where everyone feels welcome and knows that they are safe, And none of those things can happen without ALL of us working together to create a culture of awareness, empathy and support. What does that look like? It looks like paying attention to a friend or classmate who is struggling and assisting them to reach out for help. It looks like speaking up if you see something that doesn’t feel right or look right. And it looks like treating others with kindness every day. 

I love working at WKHS and I believe we have the most incredible students and school. I don’t ever want that to change. So keep looking out for one another. Get help for yourself or others when needed. And know that YOU MATTER, today and always!

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