Monday, September 18, 2023

AI and College Applications

Last year AI was not at all a conversation point related to college applications and this year, it has been a VERY hot topic!  I have read blog posts, attended webinars, sat in on information sessions by colleges, listended to podcasts and combed through articles to get a better understanding of how AI can and cannot work well for you as you go through the college application process.

Here is the reality, it can be very helpful in certain aspects, but it is just your starting point and it is not foolproof or the magic solution to admissions.  After all, you are NOT a robot, you are YOU and there is no one better at being you than YOU!

So, let's get the temptation out of the way first... can it write your entire college application essay for you?  No, of course not.  Yes, I get that this is tempting to just let one of the AI tools come up with an essay about you for the college, but it is going to lack your personality and your unique story.  Will it be gramatically correct?  Yes.  Will it answer the question prompted?  Certainly.  But is that enough?  Unfortunately, no.

So, how can you use AI effectively in the admissions process?  

- It is a great tool for searching for colleges.  You can tell it a particular area of the country, a major, an acceptance rate, and the clubs or organizations you're hoping to find in a college and AI can generate a list of potential colleges for you to investigate.

- It can be a resource for figuring out how to tackle some aspects of the application.  For example, if you type in something like, "can you help me complete the activities section on Common App?" it will give you a step by step process which can be useful.

- It can help make revisions to your essays or condense something you have written down into the word count required.  As with edits made by your parents, your English teacher, or anyone else who helps review your essay draft, it is important to make sure that in the end the essay still sounds like you.  You don't want something that has been so revised to the point that it doesn't even sound like something you'd actually say, think or feel.

- You can even use AI to help brainstorm ideas on good topics based on your characteristics and values that you want to share with the college.

One of the presentations that I attended talked about how unbelievably exponential the growth of AI has been from an industry perspective.  So this is definitely a field that is growing and changing rapidly and how it will influence college applications will grow and change just as quickly.

Right now, some colleges are saying that they don't anticipate knowing if students are using AI to create their essays, but others say that they are leaning heavily on the ethical statements students commit to when submitting their application that this application is their words, their creation and their own voice.  Some even stated that if they were to find out later that the essay was AI generated, then they would hold revoking the acceptance as a viable option.

Are you interested in learning more about AI and applications?  Here are just some of the resources I have found particularly interesting that you might want to check out:

Inside the Yale Admissions Office Podcast: August 29th episode: AI and College Essays: Wrong Question, Wrong Answer

Why you should not be using ChatGPT for college essays

Georgia Tech Admissions Blog: Seniors, Can we ChatGPT?

A real opportunity: how ChatGPT could help college applicants

Students using AI in applications

The truth about AI and admissions

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