Thursday, August 24, 2023

Senior College Information Night

The Senior College Information Night will be held one week from today, on Thursday, August 31st, at 7:00pm at WKHS in the auditorium. This is one of the most valuable meetings for senior students and parents to attend because there are so many college related questions that we will be able to answer.

We will be reviewing the college application process, the procedures for submitting your items to WKHS and to the colleges, and other information you need to know. I really hope you will make every effort to attend!  I strongly encourage both the seniors and their parents to attend this night.  Why?  Because the seniors are the ones who are actually applying to college and you need to know the steps and details involved specific to WKHS.  I think it is ideal for paretns to also attend so that they can help support you in your application and they don't ask you tons of questions that you will learn on this evening.

I know it is not always possible for every senior student and family to attend, but I hope you will try. Remember, with so many seniors, it can be really challenging if we are not all starting with the same foundation of information. This evening will answer all of your basic questions and then we’ll figure out the rest together as the year continues. I’m looking forward to seeing you on August 31st!

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