Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Counselor Connection Forms

Tomorrow we have our first Pack Period of the new school year.  One of the main items that all students will be asked to complete is your Counselor Connection Form.  This form is tailored with questions to allow us to get to know you a little better.  There are different questions for each grade level and I promise that we read them all!

These forms are a great way for me (and the other school counselors) to learn more about you and they also help us to capture information about you that can be helpful later when you are trying to think about college applications, brainstorming essay topics, and more.  So I do ask that during the Pack Period tomorrow that you try to give me thoughtful, genuine responses because it really does make a difference for me.

And, for those of you who might not be sure what a Pack Period is... the Pack period is what we have instead of a traditional homeroom for students.  They are held approximately every other week, on Wednesdays,as an extended part of your 2nd period class.

The Pack Period is a time for students and staff members to forge stronger connections, share important information, and to build on student success skills for learning and for life.

We are on a different bell schedule to give you an extra 24 minutes to be in the Pack Period.  This also  means each class is 3 minutes shorter - so your 2nd period class will begin 3 minutes earlier than normal (a really important point to be aware of if you are a student with late arrival and no class during 1st period so that you're not late to 2nd period on Pack Period days.)

Thanks again, in advance, for filling out your counselor connection form!

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