Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Big Changes in WKHS Counseling Center

There are big changes coming this fall to the WKHS Counseling Center staff.  With the growing enrollment at Kilbourne, we have hired a 5th school counselor to join our team.  Mrs. Himmel is the newest school counselor and she comes to us with over 10 years of experience working as a high school counselor so she will be able to jump right into things without missing a beat.  We are very excited to welcome her to the team!

How does this change impact you?  Well, because our student caseload will now be divided by 5 instead of by 4 it means that we are making a major shift in the alphabet breakdowns.  For students in my portion of the alphabet, I will be keeping the majority, but losing some who will shift to Mrs. Schnell who will continue to have the next portion of the alphabet.  We tried to keep as many students with their current counselor as possible, but obviously there are still many who will be changing to a new face to help.  

What won't change?  The care and dedication we will all give to help support students as you make the transition to meeting and getting acclimated to the new counselors (if applicable).

Here is the updated breakdown of alphabet by student last name:

A - Co:  Miss Abbott

Cr - He:  Mrs. Schnell

Hi - Mi:  Mrs. Himmel

Mo - Se:  Mrs. Mann

Sg - Z: Mrs. Lord

I am going to miss working with all of my students with the last names beginning with the letters Cr through D, but I know you are in great hands with Mrs. Schnell and you will love working with her!  From this point moving forward, you should go ahead and be contacting your newly assigned school counselor via email if you need anything or have any questions.

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