Sunday, May 21, 2023

What a Weekend!

Congratulations to the Class of 2023!  You are all now officially alumni of Worthington Kilbourne High School and I am proud of you and loved celebrating with you all this weekend.  

It all started with Baccalaureate on Friday night where we had the chance to pause and reflect on your talents and accomplishments, hear reminders of approaching the world with curiosity, and, best of all, seeing your baby pictures and how far you have come to today.  I love Baccalaureate and many of my students were involved in the planning or had roles during the day or artwork featured.  A huge shout-out to the Activity Club and "my" students involved including: Ben Ambler, Kya Angle, Emma Browning, Brooke Carter, Meara Couvillon, Linclon Glaros, Owen Chilcoat, Jude Abuzeide, Caleb Anderson, Toby Bomser, Lily Aschenbrand, Alyssa Berger, Sopha DePizzo, and Mirabel Domecq - you all planned and put on a beautiful evening.

And then to today's graduation ceremony!  It was the big celebration of your class and recognition of how much you have learned and grown since you first started school in Kindergarten and especially over the last four years of high school.  A special congratulations to Owen Chilcoat who was inducted into the Kilbourne Hall of Fame - such a deserving honor!

It was truly a great weekend!  But now it is back to the real world... and for all of the other grades, tomorrow starts exams.  So, good luck, I hope you had a weekend full of studying.  And I hope that I will get to see you all before summer break... which means I would love to have you pop by and say hi/ bye before the end of the year.  (Lexi would love that too!)

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