Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Get Going

For a lot of students, the process of actually initiating the work - just getting started - can be the hardest part.  Have you experienced that?  Maybe you think about an assignment over and over again, but just can't get going on it.  Or maybe you think that you'll wait and do it later and then later becomes never.  I recently read a message from Brian Kight (who writes a lot about self-discipline) that said when you're thinking about something you want or need to do there are really just 4 choices:

1. Start now

2. Start later

3. Try to find another way

4. Never do it at all

The task never changes or suddenly gets easier - it is still just sitting there waiting for you, but the amount of time you have to invest in completing the activity can get less.  So if you are struggling to get going to finish up on your school work I will remind you that seniors have just 2 weeks left (10 school days) and everyone else have 12 days of classes plus your 3 exam days.  That means that you would benefit from starting now.  You will feel more in control over your choice and the situation.  If you are someone who struggles with initiating a task perhaps some of these strategies will help you:

  • Start with the easiest task first (can help you build momentum)
  • Start with the hardest task first (get the dreaded part out of the way)
  • Set a timer for 10 minutes and just work as hard as you can for 10 minutes without stopping.  If you're still struggling after 10 minutes then you can switch to something else.  This often helps because if you're ok with doing the work - getting over the hurdle of getting started can help
  • Write it all down - spell out everything you need to do and try to break it into the smallest steps possible.  That way you can start knocking items off the to-do list.
  • Get some help.  Parents, teachers, the Academic Assistants, and sometimes even your friends can help you stay focused on getting work started.
I know that stress levels are high as you try to wrap up the 4th quarter, prepare for exams, and are just ready for it to be summer break so take it a step at a time and get going - you CAN do this!

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