Sunday, May 14, 2023

Exciting Times

What a whirlwind these last few days have been...

On Thursday night we were able to honor nearly 200 seniors as a part of the Senior Recognition Ceremony.  During this special evening, seniors were celebrated for the achievements they have had over the last four years of high school as well as for the scholarships they have earned to help them in the future.  It is always so fun to be able to stand up there as my students walk across the stage and think about how far you have come in such a short time.  I am proud of all of you and this is the first big celebration, but the next one is the "real one" with graduation being just 1 week from today!

Then Friday had 2 big moments that I was able to share in...

First up was Arts in Action Day.  I love this tradition at WKHS where we celebrate all of the amazingly talented students at Kilbourne.  I love walking around to see the art you have created over the course of the year.  And then, the Activity Club helped to sponsor a Healing Drumming Circle led by Iggy Garcia.  I know that a lot of students had the chance to rotate outside to participate in the drumming during your lunch and what I loved most about our time drumming was watching the smiles on people's faces as you were participating.  There is such an element of power of connection when we are all drumming our own rhythm and somehow it still works together in a positive and meaningful way.

And then Friday was also a big day for two of our students, Tommy Bussard and Nicolas Richards.  They have been participating in an internship experience this semester with Worthington Industries and both of them were hired on full time to be able to continue working at Worthington Industries while also going to college.  Worthington Industries has such a great track-record of helping to promote employees and enabling them to move up within their organization that it is an exciting chance for both Tommy and Nicolas to be able to be employed by them already.  There were lots of speakers at their signing ceremony celebrating the positive impact they have already had through their learning experiences this semester.  Tommy, I am so proud of you and impressed by your hard work and dedication.  You deserve the recognition that you received from Worthington Industries and I cannot wait to see all that is ahead of you!  Congratulations!

I keep thinking of how lucky I am to be able to share in all of these types of experiences because there were truly memories made over these last days that will remain for years to come!

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