Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Diploma Presenter

I am still thinking about Sunday's graduation ceremony.  I loved being gathered with you all and the nervous anticipation as you waited in the holding room ahead of the ceremony.  I loved hearing one of my students, Emma Browning, sing the National Anthem and watching as another one of my students, Owen Chilcoat, gave his speech and was then among those inducted into the Hall of Fame.  I loved seeing all of the families and groups of students gathered together before and after the ceremony ended hugging, laughing, and celebrating.  But, most of all, my favorite part of graduation was the smile and hug I got to give to students just seconds before I handed them their diploma.

Kilbourne has lots of cool traditions and allowing seniors to have the option of who they want to have hand them their diploma is, undoubtedly, my favorite one of all.  I love the fact that students will be able to look back years from now and say x is who gave me my diploma because in so many districts that isn't the case.  To me, it is the ultimate recognition of how important the student/ staff relationship is to our school and district.

Each year that I have been asked to hand someone their diploma I am deeply touched and honored.  This means so much to me because my students mean so much to me.

Pictured above from left to right: Emma Browning, Natalie Cox, Stefany Flores Campos, Jerald Addison, Rachel Auborn, Brenna Burrell and Kahlida Abdul Qadir.  (I also was able to present diplomas to Noah Adams and Broderik Curry.)

Each of these individuals are talented in all different aspects and my life is better because of knowing them.  When I think about the experiences some of these students have had to endure to be able to walk across the stage - wow, it truly takes my breath away.  And so to Emma, Natalie, Stefany, Jerald, Rachel, Brenna, Kahlida, Noah and Broderik - I want to to say thank you for allowing me to have the honor of presenting you with your diploma.  Thank you for the positive impact you have had on my life and on WKHS as a whole.  I am so fortunate that I had the chance to get to know you and I cannot wait to see all that you accomplish in the future!  Congratulations and Good Luck!  Love, Miss Abbott

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