Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Dear Seniors...

A note to my seniors...

Wow, Class of 2023, what a journey your high school career has been.  From a global pandemic to life returning to normal and a lot of roller-coaster adjustments in between, you have made it.  Today was your final day of high school - CONGRATULATIONS!

Over these four years, you have demonstrated resilience.  You have displayed an unwavering enthusiasm.  You have cared about those around you and shown up for friends in need.  You have refused to be shaken off-course by challenges and have met them head on and grown as a result.  It didn't matter if it was challenging classes, difficulties with friends/ family, or frustrations in your extra-curricular activities, you found a way to push through with strength and courage.  You have achieved success and are prepared for your futures in college, the military or the work-force.  

I am proud of you.  I hope that as you get ready to leave Kilbourne behind you will know that you were cared about and that you have made an impact on all of the staff members lives - including mine!  Thank you for your willingness to share your life for these last 4 years with me.  I wish you nothing but the best in all that is ahead of you.  And remember, "Once a Wolf, Always a Wolf" so if you ever need anything, know I am just an email or phone call away.

Love, Miss Abbott

BUT ALSO... you're not quite done yet.  :-)  Ok, so you are done with classes and that is huge.  But I also want to remind you that this Friday at 10am is your graduation rehearsal.  This is a MANDATORY requirement if you are going to participate in Sunday's commencement ceremony.  Graduation rehearsal is held at WKHS.  You do not have to dress up or wear your cap and gown - those are saved just for Sunday.  So even though I am saying good-bye to you as students today, I will see you on Friday (and, of course, on Sunday)!

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