Thursday, April 13, 2023

ACT Scores

Juniors, the ACT scores for the March test you took at WKHS are back for most of our students.  (ACT technically says scores are released anywhere from 10 days to 5 weeks later so it is possible your scores might not be there just yet.)  How do you find out your scores?  You log into your MyACT account that you had created before the test date.  Information about how to do this was handed out during the PACK Period presentation in the auditorium and it was also emailed to you twice by Mrs. Dominach and Mrs. Backhurst.  If you didn't create an account at the time instructed, my hope is that using the code in the email and on the handout you received will still allow you to set up an account now and access your scores.  If that doesn't work then you will need to call ACT directly.  Their phone number is on the bottom of the ACT website.  One important note if you need to call - ACT will not talk to the parents or to the school about your score results.  They will only talk to the student so you will need to be the one to call them to figure out how to link your score to your MyACT account. We hope to receive a score report summary from ACT in the coming weeks so unfortunately, no, at this time, I can't even look up your score to tell you what you had received.

Hopefully you were happy with your test results!  

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