Sunday, February 5, 2023

The Week Ahead

The first full week of February is a busy week at WKHS!

As a reminder, on Monday and Tuesday the counselors will meet with every freshman student during their Science classes and on Wednesday and Thursday we will meet with every sophomore during their English classes.  The good news is that we will get to spend 1:1 time with all 9th and 10th graders, but the bad news is that there won't be any free time available during the day for us to see other students.  So if you are needing something urgently, stop and let a secretary know and she will help to connect you to support even if it isn't with me directly.

In addition to the happenings in the Counseling Center, this week Student Council is also hosting a Spirit Week.  The theme for each day will be:

Monday: Minion Day

Tuesday: "Dressing" Day:

  • Freshmen: Thousand Island (Island & Hawiian attire)
  • Sophomores: Caesar (Greek attire)
  • Juniors: Raspberry Vinaigrette (Pink attire)
  • Seniors: Ranch (Cowboy attire)

Wednesday: Worthington/ Wolves Day

Thursday: Anything but a backpack day

Friday: Pajama Party

They will also be doing fundraisers and special connection opportunities in the Commons so be sure to participate and check it all out.

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