Wednesday, February 1, 2023

My Schedule = Meetings

I need to give you all a heads up that the next 6 days of school include very little to no down time for drop in appointments.  In advance I want to let you know that I am sorry about that!

I will be starting my junior meetings tomorrow and Friday.  Then next week on Monday and Tuesday I will have individual meetings with every freshmen student.  Followed by Wednesday and Thursday including meetings with every sophomore student.  

Junior meetings will continue the week of the 13th until I reach the point when I have meet 1:1 with every student in grades 9-11 to review your plan for next year and, in particular for juniors, talked about your plans for life after high school.

If you need something urgently, you can let a mental health specialist know and they will try to help out until I'm available.  Or you can, of course, email me and I'll get back to you when I can.  I am genuinely looking forward to the 1:1 time with all of you even though it means I am not as available for drop in appointments.  Thanks in advance for understanding and for your patience!

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