Monday, February 27, 2023

CC+ Form Reminder

A quick reminder to all of the students who are hoping to participate in Ccollege Credit Plus (CC+) next year - your Intent to Participate forms are due back to me TOMORROW to give you the best chance to have your desired CC+ class for the registration process.  As we discussed, if you don't have your form to me, you cannot be enrolled in the class until you get the form turned in to me and then I could put you back into it.  You really want to make sure that you have the correct courses in the system when Mr. Almanson works on building the schedule so I can't stress enough how critical it is to get those Intent to Participate forms turned in ASAP!

Remember, on the Counselor Website you and a parent will watch the 2 videos and then sign off on the Intent to Participate form.  You will then apply to the college(s) because there are 1-2 additional forms based on your intended college and you need to have your college student ID number to fill out those other forms for CSCC.  I need the whole completed packet submitted for you to be eligible to enroll in the classes. (The pink packet of forms is for CSCC and the green packet is for COTC.  The packets are also available for download on the Counselor website).  

The absolute latest date that I can change your requests and receive your packet(s) to be eligible to participate in CC+ next year is April 1st.  But again, I would NOT recommend waiting that long as the master schedule will be built based upon the requests in the system on March 1st.

If you have questions about the CC+ forms, please stop and see me.

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