Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Graduation Requirements

Understanding the graduation requirements can feel daunting for students and parents because there are so many components involved.  With registration starting, having an idea of what you need to complete is essential to selecting your classes, so I wanted to take a moment and give a quick overview of the requirements to graduate. 

Basic Academic Requirements:

  • 4 credits of English
  • 4 credits of Math
  • 3 credits of Science
  • 3 credits of Social Studies
  • 1/2 credit of PE (or additional elective credit if earning the PE Waiver)
  • 1/2 credit of Health
  • 5 credits of Electives (anything other than the classes listed above count as electives
  • 1 full year worth of Fine Art completed between grades 7-12
  • Financial Literacy requirement (can be met through Personal Financial Management, Economics & Financial Literacy, IB History, and, for the current sophomores through seniors IB Business and Financial Algebra)
Demonstrate Comptency in English and Math:
  • For most students this will be done by earning comptency scores of 684 or higher on the English 2 and Math 1 state End of Course tests.  Students can repeat these tests as needed.
  • There are a range of other options for how comptency can be demonstrated, but testing is the clearest path.  If you need other options, I will be working with you to identify what pathway would work and be a viable option for you in the future.
Show Readiness by earning 2 Seals:
  • There are 12 seals (9 state seals and 3 local seals) that students can try to earn.  
  • All students must earn 2 seals and one of those two seals must be a state seal
  • If you visit the counselor website and look at the graduation requirements page there is a link to information about all of the seals.  As you click on each seal you will be able to see the specific information about what is required to try to earn that seal.
Today during 2nd period you should have received a summary sheet that shows your graduation status.  If you have lost it or if your parents want to see a copy, you can always review your progress by accessing the Worthington Portal and going to My Accounts and clicking on "Student Graduation Status."  

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