Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Are you ready?

Wow!  2 weeks... it flew by in a flash for me.  I hope you had a great and restful break.  Tomorrow morning we are back to school!  I hope you are ready.  (Let's be honest, I am not much for mornings so I hope I am ready too, but I can guarantee Lexi is definitely ready to be back with all of you again!)

A few reminders...

1. If you have semester long classes, your schedule may be different than it was 1st semester with a different lunch period and/ or a different prep period.  Be sure to double check your schedule on Infinite Campus so that you are heading to the right locations tomorrow.

2. If you are in a CSCC CC+ class, you do NOT have class tomorrow morning.  Your CC+ classes with CSCC will not being until January 17th.  (Also, for those of you who are enrolled in the CC+ Gov class, CSCC does have a professor so there are no concerns about that class format any longer.)

3.  Grades are officially due at noon on Friday so I will know after that where everyone ended in your classes for the semester, but if you know that you have failed a class after the first semester, let's meet and talk about it.  We need to figure out if you need a schedule change for this semester and what the plan will be to make up the credit if it is a required class.

I'm excited to see all of you and to hear about your breaks so don't hesitate to stop by and fill me in during your lunch or off periods.

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