Sunday, December 18, 2022

Good Luck on Exams

I just wanted to wish all of you good luck on your exams tomorrow (and the rest of the week.) Good luck with your last minute studying, get a good night's sleep and then tomorrow, relax, eat a good breakfast, take a deep breath and do your best on each exam!  

Remember, you don't have to be THE best, as long as you do YOUR best!

Also, since most of you haven't gone through exams before, remember, you do have to be in class for the whole exam block for each of your classes.  You do NOT have to attend for your lunch period, academic prep, or options periods IF you have a ride that will allow you to come late, leave early, or leave and come back.  Since your exam is worth 10% of your grade it is essential that you do NOT skip your exam... any points are better than no points!  

As always, I will be anxious to hear how things go for you on your exams - so stop in, visit Lexi and say hi.  

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