Tuesday, November 22, 2022


For at least the last 7 years, the Tuesday before Thanksgiving is better known in the Counseling Center as "Turkey Day" and it is one of the best days!

Worthington Presbyterian Church facilitates an outreach effort to raise the money to purchase food boxes for area families to be able to have all of the items they need to prepare their own Thanksgiving meals.  Members of the church purchase and box the Turkeys, potatoes, stuffing, etc and then give them to schools so that they can be passed along to families in need. 

Each year we have received 40-50 Thanksgiving meals to distribute and I have to tell you, it is so awesome!  First, it is powerful to see all of these meals that have been donated.  Second, it is a privilege to be able to hand the food over to families who might not have been able to afford the holiday food items easily.  And finally, it is a humbling reminder that we live in such a compassionate, caring, and giving community.

A huge thank you to Worthington Presbyterian Church for making this outreach possible each year!

Now that you all are officially on Thanksgiving break, I hope you have a great 5 days!  I hope you have safe travels, time to relax and unwind, and the chance to make positive memories with those around you.

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