Sunday, November 13, 2022

Socratic Society

On the morning of November 4th, 30 students were inducted into the Socratic Society. Staff members are given the opportunity to recognize students for excellence in one or more of the core Socratic values of Scholarship, Integrity, Personal Effort, Compassion, or Lifelong Learning. Students are only eligible to be selected for this honor one time during their high school career.

Unfortunately, I was at a conference all day and so I didn't get to attend the ceremony.  I had 13 students in my part of the alphabet who were honored.  A special congratulations to "my" students who were among those recognized this month! (Alphabetically): Khalida Abdul Qadir, Nael Abuasi, Chelsea Afrivie, Joey Ahmed, Aya Aktarab, Evelyn Ambler, Alissa Azevado Aires Santana, Leela Bhowmik, Tori Blumer, Graham Brown, Sitara Courtney, Kate Dougherty, and Kyle EarhartI am proud of each of you!

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