Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Worthington Industries Partnership

Worthington schools has established a partnership with Worthington Industries to help meet the needs of students looking for a strong work option and to help students get an advantage with a great local company.

As a district, we wanted to give all of our students and parents every opportunity to learn more directly from the Worthington Industries staff.  There will be an information meeting this Thursday, October 6th at 6:00pm in Room 227 at Thomas Worthington High School to give you a chance to learn more about the internship experience that Worthington Industries will provide to interested students.  Please note, this is a district-wide meeting for Worthington families and it will take place at TWHS (not WKHS).

Working at Worthington Industries is a great opportunity for students to have a solid, well paying job after high school.  If you are not sure if going straight to college is your plan, please consider exploring this opportunity.

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