Sunday, October 16, 2022

The Week Ahead

First and foremost I want to let you know that I will be out of the building on Tuesday and Wednesday this week... so if you have questions, please try to stop by and see me tomorrow or Thursday. It is the last week of the quarter so please focus on finishing out this quarter strong!

Additionally, seniors, Are you applying to a 4 year college?  If so, please remember that your deadlines are fast approaching (November 1st which is a common early application deadline is just 2 weeks away).  There are a lot of steps you need to take care of related to your college applications and you need to be sure to complete them in a timely manner. 

1.       You need to request your transcript to be sent to each of the colleges you are applying to. Please do this ASAP by completing the Transcript Request Form.

2.       If you are applying through Common App, you need to invite me as your Counselor so that I can complete the school report form and submit your requested transcript from step 1 above.

3.       If you are applying to a school that requires a teacher letter of recommendation, complete the Teacher Rec Form ASAP and give it to your teacher when you ask them to write a letter for you. Only do this if your school requires a letter of recommendation.  And remember, you should be giving them 30 days to write a letter for you – which means if you haven’t already asked for a rec letter, you might not be able to hit the early application deadline.  You will need to invite and assign the teacher who is writing your recommendation letter on Common App.

4.       Only if you NEED a letter of recommendation from your counselor, please complete the Counselor Recommendation Form and then have your parents complete the Parent Brag sheet as soon as possible and return them to me.  If your colleges do not require a separate recommendation letter, do not complete this step. (This is different from the School Report Form. I will complete the school report form for all applications.)

5.      Work with your parents to complete the FAFSA by your college’s Financial Aid Priority deadline.

Please see me with any questions regarding the application process or your applications. I am happy to help.  Good luck as you continue working on your applications! 

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