Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Showing you care

First, before I get into today's blog post, I want to remind all students that if you are planning to participate in the field trip to the Delaware Area Career Center in November, remember to turn in your permission slip to the Counseling Center before the end of the day on Thursday!  There is a tray in the front of the counseling center where you can leave your completed permission slip.

Now... the real reason behind my post today is to talk about the concept of what do you DO when you care...

I was recently listening to a speaker talking about how a lot of teens might hear their friends talk about difficult topics.  This might be thoughts of self-harm or suicide, it could be depression or deep sadness, or thoughts of hurting someone else.  When these conversations come up, how do you show you care?  A lot of times teens will fall into a trap thinking that if they keep it a secret because their friend trusted them that it would be the best way to demonstrate that care.  But that isn't truth.  To show you care it means you have to demonstrate that by speaking up and sharing the concerns with a trusted adult.

I have heard kids claim that they think it is "snitching" on their friends if they are telling about a concerning statement or behavior, but nothing could be further from the truth.  You are not snitching on them when you are trying to get them help.  Snitching is if you're trying to get someone in trouble - not helping them get support when they aren't able or willing to get that help on their own.

When your intention is to get someone help, care and support, that is ALWAYS a good thing!  Additionally, if you were to hear someone make some kind of a threat about the school, community or against someone else, speaking up is demonstrating your care for the school, community or other person.  Again, this is always a positive action!

My hope is that you will always speak up and say something if you think someone might be struggling.  Getting help is important and you could be the one to help link them to that needed care!

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