Monday, October 24, 2022


A few weeks ago I was able to participate in mock interviews for the students in the Career Mentorship class.  It was a fun to interview the students and learn more about them.  But my biggest take away was that you don't realize how much of an impression an interview can make... and you need to sell yourself!

What do I mean by selling yourself?  You need to think about the strengths that you bring to a job or college and find ways to talk about them.  You need to share examples of stories which show your characteristics in action and talk about those moments.  You need to point out the positives you can contribute.  Sharing and talking about these things doesn't mean you're bragging or that you are cocky.  The interviewers typically don't know you and they don't know anything about you.  If you don't tell them, they won't ever know!

How did I realize this?  During the mock interviews, I had a chance to interview a few of "my" students.  And I could have told an interviewer more positive things about them than they told me about themselves.  You speak 2 languages - that is AMAZING!  Tell them that.  You have moved and adjusted to a new school - that is RESILIENT!  Tell them that.  You are already working a part-time job somehwere - that is DEPENDABILITY!  Tell them that.  You play a sport and keep up with school - that is STRONG TIME MANAGEMENT!  Tell them that.  You don't do much but hang out at home, watch tv, and play video games - that is CONTENTMENT!  Tell them that.  

Yes, so some of your strengths and characteristics and values might be in how you sell them to the person you're talking to, but each of you has gifts that you bring to the table.  You can all make a positive difference in a job or on a college campus in the future.  It is up to you, in the interview, to help make sure that this positive difference is seen and noticed by the person you are talking to so please, SELL YOURSELF!

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