Wednesday, September 7, 2022

#I Feel Loved

Each year in the early part of the fall, the WKHS counselors like to host an activity in the commons where we encourage students to take over social media and spread positive messages.  There are a lot of reasons for this annual effort...

1. We are grateful to work in a school with such an incredible student body and a community of support.  We want to honor and celebrate that because it isn't something we take for granted.

2. Focusing on the positive aspects of life is a good reminder that even on the darkest days, there is hope, help, support, love, and encouragement around us all.

3. September is suicide prevention month and so it is a great month to focus on the connections we have and share with others at WKHS.

As you have hopefully heard on the announcements, tomorrow is the day we will invite you to share your messages of times that you feel loved and to honor and celebrate the family, friends, pets (etc) who make you feel loved.

I am excited to participate tomorrow... but I can promise that a few of my answers are #IFeelLoved:

- When my mom bakes me goofs (chocolate chip cookie bars)

- When my dad cuts the grass for more

- When my dogs both snuggle with me when I'm reading

- When former students reach out just because

- When I go out to lunch with my best friend

- My coworkers encourage me with project ideas

- When my sister does all of the holiday shopping for me

- When I treat myself to a day completely to myself

- When I get positive feedback from parents/ guardians/ students/ coworkers

Honestly, I should have stopped after 1 or 2 examples, but I could actually go on indefinitely because there are so many times when I feel loved and I am so thankful for that and I don't ever want to take it for granted!  

I can't wait to see and hear all of the ways and times that YOU feel loved in your life!  I hope you will post them on social media and, of course, stop and take a picture for us in the commons during your lunch tomorrow.

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